Tuesday, August 1, 2006

A Tale...

Once upon a time in a place
there lives a woman in a daze who dreams of yesterday.

Her dreams are so alive that today would pass her by
and when the night would come she wished her life to die.

Her eyes are deep with woe until all who looked would know
that inside she was suffering cause her past she can’t let go.

Her hair is like the seasons and her skin much like pure gold,
With forever in her grasp she might never grow to old.

You can gaze upon her beauty and you feel as if you know her,
and if she could be bought you wish you could afford her.

With bare feet she walks with grace she is like poetry in motion,
people stop and stare just to give her there devotion.

She is that of a mighty queen and majestic like no other,
no one could compare and your heart is drawn to love her.

She speaks of many things and gives all that she can give,
gets nothing in return and this is the life she lives

She doesn’t wear a crown nor flashy jewelery just for show,
but this one thing she wears is very special soon you’ll know.

Surrounded by adversaries she lives a modest life alone,
separate from the world no place to call her own.

Anklets made with beads hand crafted by her love,
bare feet with anklet jewels but no clothing to speak of.

A very humble woman poor indeed of material things
but rich in abundace of life unlike many human beings.

Everything about her is unique and far superb,
but no one knew her name, nor nothings she’s endured.

A mystery she remains in the eyes of all who look in wonder,
not knowing when she came not knowing where she comes from.

She never says a word and keeps quiet to herself
while in her mind she meditates on ways she can be felt.

There is a place she wants to go but danger is all around,
nothing but pain and sorrow is all that can be found.

The Forest of Heavy Souls is where she longs to go

In the Forest of Heavy Souls is a cave tucked far away
thats where she wants to live her life and there she wants to stay.

Away from all the madness of those wanting to come in,
while steping over skeleton bones of those she fought to win.

Scatered all around theres cobwebs left and right,
its dark most of the day but sometimes there is light.

It’s warm and cozy in the forest where she lives by day to day,
not knowing what tomorrow brings or if she can remain.

Sometimes she weeps over sorrows of her soul
and every time she crys apears a rainbows in the sky.

The sun doesn’t aways shine and rain is not a stranger
cause in the forest of heavy souls there often lies some danger.

Afraid to stay inside the cave cause inside shes blind, can’t see,
fear of not knowing what goes on compells her heart to leave.

She steps out the forest into the world so cold and dangerous
feeling lost and insecure hoping nothing changes... 


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