Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Thoughts of Pure Bliss

Sometimes, when I have the time to sit, and think about all the blessings in my life
I know somehow I have found my future… I feel afraid… so afraid of how wonderful life is and how unbelievably happy I am…

With all the pain I have experienced in my life to feel this much joy is surreal. As poor as I am, I feel rich in love and I know I am holding the winning lottery ticket when your hand is in mine.

As I admit to myself the how I have let myself go… again… I choke back the tears, struggle with my fears.  How… how… can I have been so wrong, and know that this is so right - where I belong? 

When I lay my head down at night it is your warmth that’s got my back,
When I day dream about the future, you are there
When we are apart, it is you I can’t wait to get home to.
When I rise to the morning sun it is your sweet face that keeps me going

Ask me how I feel? So good it hurts to smile
I am so cursing happy!

Ask me where I’ve been? Riding on waves of emotion in a sea of pure bliss ;-)